When you have many active conversations, it can become a bit of a hassle to find the chats you need. It can be handy to mark those you use most, on order to find them more easily when you need them.

You can mark a conversation In multiple ways – you can mark it as ‘High priority’, ‘Marked’ or ‘Favourite’.

To do this go to your conversation list and click on one of the three icons on the right of the chat you wish to mark.

  • Exclamation mark = High priority
  • Flag = Marked
  • Star= Favourite

You can also mark a chat as ‘Done’ by clicking the flag icon a second time. When you do, the flag icon changes into a little green tick.

Now you can easily find this conversation by using a filter. To change the current filter click ‘Filter’ and pick the filter you want to use. Now you will only see contacts that are marked this way.